900 11 21 21

L-J 9:00 - 19:00
V 9:00 - 15:00

Subscription Fees

A partir de febrero de 2018 todos los boletines se generarán con código de barras. Más información

Employer contribution

The 7th General Construction Sector Agreement establishes the fee payable to the Construction Labour Foundation as a percentage of the Social Security contribution base. For 2025, the fee has been set at 0.35%.

Fee payment method

Payment of the fee is obligatory and can be made:

  1. By completing the form found on this page, choosing the 'Complete online Form' option.
  2. Online, by choosing the "Online payment" option appearing on this website (debited to your bank account).

Companies with 10 or more employess

Companies with 10 or more employees must pay the fee monthly in arrears.

Companies with less than 10 employess

Companies (with company meaning each contribution account code) which in January of the current year has fewer than 10 employees may choose between:

  • Monthly submission of the printed form at the social security office and, accordingly, payment of the charge monthly in arrears.
  • Six-monthly submission in July (sum of all the bases from January to June) and in January the following year (sum of the bases from July to December). (BOE 16.03.2012).

If your company chooses the six-monthly payment method, you must notify the Labour Foundation so that it does not claim unpaid charges from you.
If you wish to contact the Labour Foundation’s fees department, click here.