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BUILD UP Skills Construye 2020

European initiative that is within the BUILD UP Skills call of the European Commission of the Intelligent Energy Europe programme.

Training Tools

Duration: From October 2013 to September 2016

Budget: 826.770€

Grant: 620.076€

Co-Funding: 206.694€

Project Coordinator: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción

Partners: Technological Institute of Construction (Aidico), National Qualifications Institute (Incual), Tripartite Foundation for Training for Employment (FTFE) y el Institute of Building Science Eduardo Torroja (CSIC).

Website: construye2020.eu/en/


Once the Pillar I of the project was finished, which final conclusions were presented in April 2013, the FLC leads the Phase II of the project, under the name of Build Up Skills "Construye 2020".

As the first initiative, is framed in the program of the European Commission's Intelligent Energy Europe and has the goal to qualify workers in the construction sector, mainly in building, with the goal of having enough manpower qualified in energy efficiency and renewable energy in each of the Member States, to meet the energy targets set by Europe 2020.

The general Objective of the project BUILD UP SKILLS Construye 2020, is to provide building workers in Spain with the competences and skills required in the fields of Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy Systems (RES) in order to contribute to achieve 2020 energy objectives.

This proposal aims to attain this general objective by implementing the activities identified in the roadmap developed in the BUILD UP Skills Spain Pillar I. These actions have been designed to improve the Vocational Education and Training system and the qualifications framework as well as to develop training tools and schemes that will allow workers to be trained and qualified in EE and RES, considered as key matters to reach 20-20-20 targets.

Achievement of this purpose, is based on the following specific objectives:

- To develop training schemes that have been prioritized in the roadmap, in order to be put into motion by training centers and building companies.

- To improve the design of the existing qualifications as well as associated training. It aims to incorporate key competences considered as necessary in the field of EE and RES in those current qualifications related to the achievement of 2020 goals. It also aims to design the training contents of each new competence and to adapt professional certificates already available to on-line modality.

- To develop an educative simulator to serve as an interactive training resource in order to be used in training courses on installation of RES.

- To develop those mechanisms identified on the roadmap in order to improve the Vocational Education and Training Spanish system.

- To inform and to raise awareness of users of buildings in order to incentivize demand of restoration activities in the EE and RES field.

- To design and plan the communication actions that will be carried out during the implementation of the whole project.

- To monitor and evaluate systematically the quality of the project, in a planned and systematic way, counting on the participation of all the partners.


On the other hand, it is expected that this new project will serve as an impetus for the creation of observatories and networks of experts to anticipate the needs of the construction sector on energy and training and qualification.


For more information: http://www.construye2020.eu



This publication reflects the views only of the author. The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) of European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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